Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Twit twoo!!!

I've known about twitter for a while after a friend joined it and mentioned it to me since then it has exploded into the media spotlight so much so celebrates are joining it and mentioning it on all of the tv programs and news. so i have decided to join and write bout how it works and what i think. It was really easy to join just 4 or 5 simple questions including name, email address, username and password then a security question. it was really easy to use and i was impressed that the text and text boxes were really big even to start with without even having to enlarge the text so so far im a happy girl from an accessibility point of view. then im in so i added a few people to "follow", i think this is where the issues start for me i feel like a stalker. i mean the only people who i am following at the moment is my mate ben my cousin who has a slight obsession with gorge sampson and someone from galaxy who i heard on the radio mention it and altho they may have very interesting lives i just dont feel i need to know what they are doing all the time, however i do like the fact that you can have pics on it to bak up what you are doin, that makes it a little more friendly in my eyes. anyways we will see how it goes...

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