Thursday, November 16, 2006

Art Walk 2006

The Art Walk took place on tuesday 7th November 2006 it was a project that was put together by Creative Room and was a number of exibitons based on the different types of Art. These arts included things such dance, film, performance, sonic art and creative writing.

i was given the chance to be involved in this event by Dominic Shaw within his event my task was to walk around and take photos of poeple with tattoos and peircings and bluetooth them bak to the computer, whilest we were dressed up as arcilogists sorry cant spell that word u no those people that dig things up so it was kinda doin out and new it was a gud day but it was very very cold and it was something i was really glad to get involved it and got to no the other people that were involved alot better and i got to see lots of thre different parts of the exibitiontion too it was a gud day

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