Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Artifact 2 What I Did

For my second artifact i made my test website a little bit more accessible by changing the colours. the first thing i did was to look which colours were the inaccessible for users with sight impairments and colourblindness. i found that people who are colourblind can see slight colour as they can see certain tones and colours. For red they can see a light shade of blue and for green they can see a bright shade of yellow. so keeping this in mind i decided to keep the colours to a minimum and used red to highlight the important areas such as links and buttons as although they cannot see the actual colour red they can see enough difference to distinguish the difference between that and the rest of the text. i also looked at the colour of the text as i found that it was one of the accessibility requirements within the web standards, (this is shown in one of my previous post). i also noticed this was an issue after taking a screenshot of my test site and taking all of the colour away i soon realised that you could not read the text at all. this is shown in the images below.

This is the original test site

This is what users who cannot see colour could see when viewing my original test website

so from looking at all of the issues I've mentioned above i decided that i would use and off white background black text and red for the links and buttons. i decided on this as it would therefore be accessible for everyone including users without visual impairments and difficulties. the off white and black would be easier as white and black can be a bit difficult to look at for long periods of time so by using an off white colour solves this issue

the image below shows the improved test site when the colour is removed

as you can see there is a significant different and the improved site is much more accessible.

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