Sunday, June 08, 2008

Back to Basics

I'm now finished second year and although I have learnt a lot of skills, I still think I’m lacking something in order me to take my work live and online. so here goes I’ve got a book and I’m going right back to basic so if anyone is reading this blog they will probably think I’m a little backwards but I feel if I do this ill learn the skill I’m missing in order for me to do more work for companies and have more confidence in my work.

so here goes

According to the book
The questions you should always ask when viewing a site whether it is yours or someone else’s are:
- Do I like the way this site looks? Why? or Why not?
- Can I tell what the site is about? Why? or Why not?
- Does the design seem appropriate to what the site is about? Why? or Why not?
- Can I find what I am looking for easily? Why? or Why not?

Using these questions will then make me look at things more critically and therefore help me to work on my design skills that I’m lacking at the moment.

Constructive criticism
Constructive criticism means recognising good things as good so that you can be sure to continue doing them. It also means recognising the bad thing as bad but also looking for solutions to the problems that they pose. It helps me to build myself and my skills not tear me down. It may give me an insight in order to become a better designer.

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