Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Assesment/Feedback on Coursework 2

Thats another one down 1 more to go!
i have just had my assesment review to show my work what i have done for this piece of course work and i was sooooooooo scared as i didnt think my work was as gud as the boys but i was plesently surprised.

my website was a dating website called Date My Mate and i thought the tutors would be a little funny about this as it was a little bit risky and nothing like what all he other boys in my class had done but thye really liked my idea and i thought id put it forward in a productive and positive way

they seemed very impressed with my site but there was a few things that let me down on the day which were the uploadin images and the email which gave me an error on the email which i was gutted at because it had worked soooo many times but its just one of those things

i think i need to clean my website
they didnt like the fact that id centred everything
simon didnt like the black and pink
work on getting the images to upload
clean things up
work on accessablity
correct the error on emails

i think these improvements would be good for me to progress with this and learn more skills so then my site is professional enough add to my portfolio

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