Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Take That Video

this is the take that beautiful world tour 2007 now i no this probably has nothing to do with multimedia but im goin to try and make it becuase i went to seee this tour twice and having been to see take that a good few times since i was about 7 years old i hthink i have enough take that knowledge to make that judgement (this is also another attempt to keep me doin my bloggs for im getting a little bord of talking about networks and databases now wans what better way to brightner up my blog!) i can do this i think by talking about the lights and the effects the they were both amazing it was by far the best tour yet and some of the effects are outstanding like the clubbing beemin lights that filled the whole arena during "Give Good Feeling". the disco ball in the middle of the area was used to make different effects during songs such as "Rule the World" where it was a made to look like globe and Could it be Magic where there were there things around it that held the dancers who spinkeled feathers onto the platform below it was just amazing! Then last but not least they did Never Forget where it was like a huge screen that showed there animated characters walking down a hill so they started off really big and then ended up normal size then they walked out of this huge screen it looked really really effective.

Hope this kind of makes this video a little more about multimedia!!

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