Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Simulated Client Project-Feedback
so the Simulated client project is over and on a whole i think it was ok the feedback i got from my tutor was kind of what i i expected he liked the fun feel of my site but he thought it would be better as a game. this i agreed with as i was trying to make the site as fun as possible to keep the audience engaged. as i noted in the proposal i would have liked to do a sgame i beleive it is the best way to keep an audience of that age range engaged. so overall i think it went well but there is always room for improvement.
Practise Based Research
For the next part of our research module we have a practise based section that we have to create a number of artifacts, in order to gain knowledge and a deeper understand of the the subject area that we have chosen, we had to answer the questions below
Please state the ‘question’ that the ‘research via practise’ (terms 2 and 3) will try to answer or explore?
How effective are various accessibility methods and techniques used in WEB site design?
(b) What type of artefacts/experiments that will be produced/conducted (e.g. short video clips, short animation sequences, building visualisation, audio listening tests with focus groups e.t.c.)? Note it is accepted that this may change as the research progresses past the first few artefacts.
I will create 5 small websites each exploring a different area of accessibility e.g colours, links, text size and multimedia. I will create a focus group containing a mixture of able bodied and people with different disabilities and impairments.
(c) Have you checked that the research meets the university ethical guidlines and will not require approval (if NOT checked or it requires approval then state the date on which you expect to obtain approval)? IF UNSURE WHAT THIS MEANS TALK TO YOUR SUPERVISOR!
Yes, although I will be asking people with disabilities for there opinion I will ensure that it meets the ethical guidelines. This means I will ensure that I do not ask children under 18 or people over 65.
(d) Have you checked that appropriate resources and facilities exist for you to produce/conduct the artefacts/experiments (If NO then explain how you will obtain the required appropriate resources and facilities)?
Yes all of the facilities are available for me to create my websites. I will use dreamweaver to create all of my artefacts which is available to me at home and at uni.
(e) How will you evaluate and/or reflect on the artefacts/experiments produced/conducted in (b) above (e.g. reflection, survey, focus group, statistical analysis e.t.c.)?
For each one of my artefacts I will write a 300 word reflection of of the artefact itself and how I think it can be used in order to answer the question. I will also use a focus group to gain statistical data, then analysis it.
(f) Please write down below the preparatory work you will do for the first artefact over the Christmas period:
I will read more what I have to do to meet all of the accessibility guidelines, for example I will look on what colours work best for people with sight impairments and what text size e.t.c. I will also begin designing my non-accessible site as this is the starting point of my research.
(g) What is the detail of the first artefact that will be demonstrated to the supervisor?
My first artefact will be a website that has limited or no accessibility. Although it will be a very simple site it will not meet any of accessibility guidelines or requirements. This will then be reflected on and compared with the next 5 websites to check ease of use and look at how it is inaccessible for disabled user. I will also people can use and navigate the non accessible website compared to the accessible one.
(h) On what date will the first artefact be shown to the supervisor? Please remember that on this date you will also provide a short 300 word evaluation and/or reflection summary as well as the actual artefact.
I will be presenting my first artefact along with the 300 evaluation on Thursday 29th of Jan 09
(i) How will you present the research conclusions from the artefacts/experiments and evaluations during week 43 (e.g. written document, slides and/or documentary film)? PLEASE NOTE THAT THE RESEARCH CONCLUSIONS MUST BE IN A FORM THAT CAN BE HANDED IN IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE PRESENTATION i.e. a permanent record of your conclusions and arguments needs to be submitted immediately after the presentation in week 43.
For my research conclusions I will be presenting a written document. This will contain all of my findings and conclusions of all of the artefacts and how they helped answer the question I set to explore.
(j) On what date will you be presenting your draft research conclusions to the supervisor for review (it is suggested 2 weeks before week 43 presentations)?
I will be presenting my first draft of conclusions Week 41 Thursday 7th May 2009
Please state the ‘question’ that the ‘research via practise’ (terms 2 and 3) will try to answer or explore?
How effective are various accessibility methods and techniques used in WEB site design?
(b) What type of artefacts/experiments that will be produced/conducted (e.g. short video clips, short animation sequences, building visualisation, audio listening tests with focus groups e.t.c.)? Note it is accepted that this may change as the research progresses past the first few artefacts.
I will create 5 small websites each exploring a different area of accessibility e.g colours, links, text size and multimedia. I will create a focus group containing a mixture of able bodied and people with different disabilities and impairments.
(c) Have you checked that the research meets the university ethical guidlines and will not require approval (if NOT checked or it requires approval then state the date on which you expect to obtain approval)? IF UNSURE WHAT THIS MEANS TALK TO YOUR SUPERVISOR!
Yes, although I will be asking people with disabilities for there opinion I will ensure that it meets the ethical guidelines. This means I will ensure that I do not ask children under 18 or people over 65.
(d) Have you checked that appropriate resources and facilities exist for you to produce/conduct the artefacts/experiments (If NO then explain how you will obtain the required appropriate resources and facilities)?
Yes all of the facilities are available for me to create my websites. I will use dreamweaver to create all of my artefacts which is available to me at home and at uni.
(e) How will you evaluate and/or reflect on the artefacts/experiments produced/conducted in (b) above (e.g. reflection, survey, focus group, statistical analysis e.t.c.)?
For each one of my artefacts I will write a 300 word reflection of of the artefact itself and how I think it can be used in order to answer the question. I will also use a focus group to gain statistical data, then analysis it.
(f) Please write down below the preparatory work you will do for the first artefact over the Christmas period:
I will read more what I have to do to meet all of the accessibility guidelines, for example I will look on what colours work best for people with sight impairments and what text size e.t.c. I will also begin designing my non-accessible site as this is the starting point of my research.
(g) What is the detail of the first artefact that will be demonstrated to the supervisor?
My first artefact will be a website that has limited or no accessibility. Although it will be a very simple site it will not meet any of accessibility guidelines or requirements. This will then be reflected on and compared with the next 5 websites to check ease of use and look at how it is inaccessible for disabled user. I will also people can use and navigate the non accessible website compared to the accessible one.
(h) On what date will the first artefact be shown to the supervisor? Please remember that on this date you will also provide a short 300 word evaluation and/or reflection summary as well as the actual artefact.
I will be presenting my first artefact along with the 300 evaluation on Thursday 29th of Jan 09
(i) How will you present the research conclusions from the artefacts/experiments and evaluations during week 43 (e.g. written document, slides and/or documentary film)? PLEASE NOTE THAT THE RESEARCH CONCLUSIONS MUST BE IN A FORM THAT CAN BE HANDED IN IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE PRESENTATION i.e. a permanent record of your conclusions and arguments needs to be submitted immediately after the presentation in week 43.
For my research conclusions I will be presenting a written document. This will contain all of my findings and conclusions of all of the artefacts and how they helped answer the question I set to explore.
(j) On what date will you be presenting your draft research conclusions to the supervisor for review (it is suggested 2 weeks before week 43 presentations)?
I will be presenting my first draft of conclusions Week 41 Thursday 7th May 2009
Catalogue Entries
As part of our SPP3 module this year we have to had in 6 images to the entered into the catalogue at the end of year exhibition these are the images i have chose and why.
In this report I will look at the images I have chosen for the catalogue entry and how they reflect on me as a multimedia practitioner. I have chosen 8 images to enter ino the final year catalogue that will be given out within the exhibition. So these images are very important to show my skills as a practitioner. In this report I will write about why I have chose the images that I have and where I think my work reflects on me as a practitioner. I will also think about where I think my work will position me as web practitioner.
The first image I'm going to add to the catalogue is my flash banner that I did in the second year. I have chose this image as I think it shows my skills in the latest version of flash and ActionScript. I think it also shows my design and marketing skills which I think will help me when trying to get into the multimedia industry.
The second image I have chosen is my other flash banner that I did in the second year. I have chose this image as I think it shows my skills in the latest version of flash and ActionScript. I think it also shows my design and marketing skills which I think will help me when trying to get into the multimedia industry.
The third image I have chosen to add to the catalogue is an image of a page that is part of my social network project. For this I created a website called Date My Mate. This is the registration page, this page allows the user to enter data into the site then into a database. I have chose this image as I think it shows my skills in PHP and MySQL. It also shows I have design skills and I think these skills will put me in a good position as a web practitioner.
I have also chose the an image of the profile page from the date my mate website for the catalogue. This page would display the text from the database and display them using html. Again this will show my skills in PHP, MySQL and html. Also I think it shows my design and creative techniques. I have chose this I think its a good way in which for potential clients and employers to see my skills.
Another piece of work I have chose for the catalogue is a piece of group work we did. I have chose this as it again as it shows my skills in flash and php. For this piece of work we worked in groups and had to create a flash application with php that was then viewed in html. Which again shows all of my skills in this area.
Lastly I have chose to add an image of my portfolio, Pixl Dust I have chose this image to show mainly my design and CSS skills. I think this is one of my best pieces of work at the moment and its a really good piece of work to show off my design flare as I was set free on this to just do what ever I liked so it shows a little bit of my personality too. I think this is my best piece of work so far and if I had to choose one piece of work to show the most it would be this one.
Looking at all of the images I think my position as a multimedia practitioner is still at a junior level. Although my work shows that I have learnt a lot over the last few years I dont think that my work is at a high enough level in order to enter at a higher position as a multimedia pactitioner however thoughout this year I am hoping to create a higher standard of work that would show my more potential to be a successful multimedia practitioner.
In this report I will look at the images I have chosen for the catalogue entry and how they reflect on me as a multimedia practitioner. I have chosen 8 images to enter ino the final year catalogue that will be given out within the exhibition. So these images are very important to show my skills as a practitioner. In this report I will write about why I have chose the images that I have and where I think my work reflects on me as a practitioner. I will also think about where I think my work will position me as web practitioner.
The first image I'm going to add to the catalogue is my flash banner that I did in the second year. I have chose this image as I think it shows my skills in the latest version of flash and ActionScript. I think it also shows my design and marketing skills which I think will help me when trying to get into the multimedia industry.
The second image I have chosen is my other flash banner that I did in the second year. I have chose this image as I think it shows my skills in the latest version of flash and ActionScript. I think it also shows my design and marketing skills which I think will help me when trying to get into the multimedia industry.
The third image I have chosen to add to the catalogue is an image of a page that is part of my social network project. For this I created a website called Date My Mate. This is the registration page, this page allows the user to enter data into the site then into a database. I have chose this image as I think it shows my skills in PHP and MySQL. It also shows I have design skills and I think these skills will put me in a good position as a web practitioner.
I have also chose the an image of the profile page from the date my mate website for the catalogue. This page would display the text from the database and display them using html. Again this will show my skills in PHP, MySQL and html. Also I think it shows my design and creative techniques. I have chose this I think its a good way in which for potential clients and employers to see my skills.
Another piece of work I have chose for the catalogue is a piece of group work we did. I have chose this as it again as it shows my skills in flash and php. For this piece of work we worked in groups and had to create a flash application with php that was then viewed in html. Which again shows all of my skills in this area.
Lastly I have chose to add an image of my portfolio, Pixl Dust I have chose this image to show mainly my design and CSS skills. I think this is one of my best pieces of work at the moment and its a really good piece of work to show off my design flare as I was set free on this to just do what ever I liked so it shows a little bit of my personality too. I think this is my best piece of work so far and if I had to choose one piece of work to show the most it would be this one.
Looking at all of the images I think my position as a multimedia practitioner is still at a junior level. Although my work shows that I have learnt a lot over the last few years I dont think that my work is at a high enough level in order to enter at a higher position as a multimedia pactitioner however thoughout this year I am hoping to create a higher standard of work that would show my more potential to be a successful multimedia practitioner.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Online Shopping Basket Research
For my live client project my client requires a website that she can sell her illustrations and fashoins. this is a big thing fro me but i am willing to take on the challenge. firstly i thought i would have to create a shopping basket myself but iafter asking the boys and my tutors i soon realised that this would not only be project that is far tooo big for the time period that i have also that it could be alot more dnegerous than i thought so both the boys and the tutors informed me that i could find simple shopping basket software online either for free or for a small fee so i thought id look into this further than i can explain to my client with knowledgeable and clear advise on how these things work.
the first one i found that i liked the look of was the Boss Cart JVS Series. this is a uk based company and offers a free shopping basket service.
how it works
it is shopping basket software containing php and using a msql database
there are 3 files for you to download or you can enter a link into your webpage
Template driven for easy customisation
Search engine friendly pages
Search engine friendly images
Support raw flash movies as images
Built in CRM system
Upload multiple products at the same time
No limit to number of items you can sell
Easy to set up
Integrates with all UK payment provider gateways
Money off web hosting from leading hosting companies
Free technical support
advantages and disadvantages
it seems pretty simple but because it is free there are no garantees that it will work but its worth a try
i think you would have to have alot of experience with php and mysql in order to use this one.

this company also offer another servise that is not free
this is called Cart Boss Premieum and it is £110
i think it works like the other but it is alot more helpful
Quick and easy to set up.
Powerful catalogue manager, manages over 10,000 products.
Create your store look-and-feel or use one of our pre-designed templates.
Integrate your online store with a payment gateway of your choice.
Host your shop with the web hosting company of your choice.
Extensive marketing and merchandising features, including social networking/marketing plug-in.
Bulk product upload to make populating your store with products easy.
Export your products to Google base.
Easy order management.
Multiple language support.
Multiple currency support.
Additional features
Drag and drop interface for quick access to products and product attributes.
Extended product image upload, add additional seven images per product.
Define header and footer for each product category and sub category.
Crate links to external URLs.
Specify shipping and weight for each product.
Import data to or export data from Boss Cart in CSV format.
Automatic email confirmation of orders.
Powerful product search feature.
Built in Contents Management System (CMS).
advantages and disadvantages
theres is alot more design and layour flexiblity with this package compared to the other one.
it seems alot more secure and proffessial
alot more easy to use and update
the main disadvantage is the cost
the first one i found that i liked the look of was the Boss Cart JVS Series. this is a uk based company and offers a free shopping basket service.
how it works
it is shopping basket software containing php and using a msql database
there are 3 files for you to download or you can enter a link into your webpage
Template driven for easy customisation
Search engine friendly pages
Search engine friendly images
Support raw flash movies as images
Built in CRM system
Upload multiple products at the same time
No limit to number of items you can sell
Easy to set up
Integrates with all UK payment provider gateways
Money off web hosting from leading hosting companies
Free technical support
advantages and disadvantages
it seems pretty simple but because it is free there are no garantees that it will work but its worth a try
i think you would have to have alot of experience with php and mysql in order to use this one.

this company also offer another servise that is not free
this is called Cart Boss Premieum and it is £110
i think it works like the other but it is alot more helpful
Quick and easy to set up.
Powerful catalogue manager, manages over 10,000 products.
Create your store look-and-feel or use one of our pre-designed templates.
Integrate your online store with a payment gateway of your choice.
Host your shop with the web hosting company of your choice.
Extensive marketing and merchandising features, including social networking/marketing plug-in.
Bulk product upload to make populating your store with products easy.
Export your products to Google base.
Easy order management.
Multiple language support.
Multiple currency support.
Additional features
Drag and drop interface for quick access to products and product attributes.
Extended product image upload, add additional seven images per product.
Define header and footer for each product category and sub category.
Crate links to external URLs.
Specify shipping and weight for each product.
Import data to or export data from Boss Cart in CSV format.
Automatic email confirmation of orders.
Powerful product search feature.
Built in Contents Management System (CMS).
advantages and disadvantages
theres is alot more design and layour flexiblity with this package compared to the other one.
it seems alot more secure and proffessial
alot more easy to use and update
the main disadvantage is the cost

Monday, January 12, 2009
The Story So Far (client project)
we are a good few weeks into the live client project now so i thought id rite a blog in order to show how i think its going so far.
So far its been full of ups and downs, as working with a client will be
From not turning up to meetings and not produsing her side of the bargin i think ive had it all so far and the hard work hasnt even started yet but hopefully we will get there in the end and i will produce a good piece of work in order to get a good peice of work out of it at the end
So far its been full of ups and downs, as working with a client will be
From not turning up to meetings and not produsing her side of the bargin i think ive had it all so far and the hard work hasnt even started yet but hopefully we will get there in the end and i will produce a good piece of work in order to get a good peice of work out of it at the end
Tuesday, January 06, 2009
Live Client Project
For the live client part of our assessment this year we have to work with a live client in order to create a professional piece of work as well as getting experience of working with a live client and all of the ups and down that can bring.
My client is an artist illustrator Hannah Morrison. i approached hannah through an another artist that has a small shop down the road. Soon after i arranged a meeting with hannah to discuss what she required and how i could help her solve her problems using multimedia.
she requires
- A website
- Displaying her work
- Displaying her fashion work and illustrations
- Infomation about her and contact details
- Facilities to sell her work
- She site needs to be easy for her to update
- She also would like to be able to put her own stamp on it
we also discussed some of the design that she would like and the feel of the website, we discussed that she would like each section of her site to be represented with an image for example her logo would represent the about me section of her site in the same way that the one of her illustration images would represent the her illustation section of the site.
My client is an artist illustrator Hannah Morrison. i approached hannah through an another artist that has a small shop down the road. Soon after i arranged a meeting with hannah to discuss what she required and how i could help her solve her problems using multimedia.
she requires
- A website
- Displaying her work
- Displaying her fashion work and illustrations
- Infomation about her and contact details
- Facilities to sell her work
- She site needs to be easy for her to update
- She also would like to be able to put her own stamp on it
we also discussed some of the design that she would like and the feel of the website, we discussed that she would like each section of her site to be represented with an image for example her logo would represent the about me section of her site in the same way that the one of her illustration images would represent the her illustation section of the site.
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