Tuesday, October 21, 2008


For my simalated client project i have decide to base my ideas on healthy eating with this targetted at 5 - 11 year old children. i have decided to do this as looking on the web i have found that there is a gap in the market for healthy eating information aimed at children, it is all simply aimed at adults. so for this project i thought the first thing to do was to look into this area in more detail in oder to get a better understanding.

the video below shows the way that food can be fun for kids, this program is shown on the bbc as is aimed to get children into the kitchen to experiment and have fun with food. however it does not have any information about healthy eating.

Simulated Client Project-Proposal

I have been contacted by a local school who would like me to create a new piece of multimedia that will teach the pupils about public information. in this proposal I will cover these areas subject area, target audience, requirements, design solution, justification and a design schedule that will show a week by week breakdown of the tasks and also include a contingency. This with then ensure that the client can clearly see of my design solution in order to solve the multimedia problem.

Chosen subject area
the subject area that I have chose for this project is Healthy Living, within this vast subject area I have decided that the scope of my project will be based healthy eating. I have made this design choice for a number of reasons these include; my knowledge in this area is greater than in other areas and I think there is a gap in the market for healthy eating promotions on the web targeted at children. From the research on healthy eating, I have come to realise that there is a lack of information for children about being healthy eating. There is a lot of information about getting children to eat healthy but there a lot less information based on the children themselves. After all I think that if you are going to make children eat healthy then it is useful for them to know a little about it and why they should do it. not only do they then understand why it is important but also are more likely to want to have a healthy lifestyle in the future.

Target Audience
for this project my target audience will be children aged 5 to 11 as I think this is a key age to teach them about healthy eating so that they can then make the right choices as they become teens and young adults. Through my research I have learnt that
“In the UK an estimated one in four 11 to 15 year olds are overweight or obese - and the problem is growing every year. Based on this I have aimed my target audience a lot younger in try and help with this growing issue.”


for this project the client requires me to design and create a piece of multimedia that will inform children about healthy living. This has to inform children about the importance of eating healthily but also keeping them engaged. It needs to be fun bright and interactive to appeal to children aged 5 to 11 years old. It also needs to be easy to use and accessible at school or at home. It needs have simple and clear navigation throughout. With a clear message about healthy eating.

Design Solution
to solve this multimedia problem I will design and create a mini site, which will enable the children engage in games and interaction at the same time giving them clear information about healthy eating. This will be based around the balance of health plate, it will use simple colour codes to identify good foods, OK foods that can be eaten regularly but not a large amount and bad foods. The first page will start off with the simple food groups that when a child clicks on a colour code it will then list all the food related to that. For example if the child clicks on green it will give then a list of foods that are good for them. The next page will have the same colour code but be based around portion sizes. It will tell children that they should only eat a small amount of the bad foods and a large amount of the good food. It will do this in the same way previously using colour codes and the healthy balance plate. The third and final page will them be a simple game based on this the children will use a mouse to drag and drop the foods onto the colour coded plate until they get it into the right place. I think this will be a fun and interactive way to teach children about what is good for them to eat on a regular basis. To create this multimedia mini site I will use dreamweaver to create the first two webpages then use flash for the game. The child with navigate this site in a simple linear way it will enter thought the first page, learning about the foods that are good and not so gud then once completed the two information pages they can then be rewarded ny playing the game this way it will give a the information first so they are not distracted by the game.

throughout my research into this area I struggled to find any websites that were targeted at the children not at the adults as shown below. This sites however show the use of colour when sited area based around children.

However the image is an example of a website used to encourage children to cook and experiment with foods. It uses bright colours, coloured characters and lots of interaction to keep children engaged.

Week 1 13/10/08 – 17/10/08 Design
Week 2 20/10/08 – 24/10/08 Proposal
Week 3 &4 27/10/08 – 31/10/08 Production
Week 5 3/11/08 – 9/11/08 Testing

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Simulated Client Project

one of our first projects for this year is the simulated client project. for this we have 6 weeks have a simulated project that we have to write and design a project to solve the problem using a piece of multimedia whether its a website, a piece of interaction, film or animation.

the project options include
Healthy living
Global warming
Sexual health

once we have chosen a project title then we have to i then have to write a proposal to pitch to the client about our design ideas and solutions to the multimedia problem. the subject area i have chosenis healthy eating as a i feel i know more about this topic than the others.

First week of year 3!!

well its the end of the of the first week back and we are all so scared of what is to come. Theres also a buzz of excitement going around too. theres also a lot of focus on not just what's happening this year but also when we go into the real world of industry and where we want to be after this year so wish me luck and lets go for it!!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Where do i want to be

i no i no huge question but having just started year 3 thats the key question that will enable me to progress enough this year to then be able to step out into the big wide world of web!! As i look back at where ive come i really believe that if i can get my head around what feels like a huge question then it wil really help me not only achieve the very best that i can this year but also get where i want to be. in college i started the final year with the attitude that i was going to get 3 A's at the end of the year and with alot of work i did but havin that focus helped me throughout the year. by no means am i saying that if i say i want to get a first so i will get one but if i have a realistic focus i think it will help me reach my goal and get to where i want to be (with a little help from the boys of course).

the next bit is the hardest im going to try and figure out what i want to do after. im goin to be goin into the big wide world with so many areas

i could be web design (front end/interface design)or work behind the scenes