Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Game Blog 1

this is a lil bit of code that im goin to use to make my packman game in flash this is a simple movement with the mouse that will enable me to move the object as the mouse moves it sounds gud but its quite simple when u have the rite code

face1. onMouseDown = function (){

face1. onMouseUp = function (){

Monday, October 22, 2007

leona lewis music video

i no i no its leaon lewis music video but i like it and now the song has really grown on me and now i luv it as much as the video. i was attracted to the video from the first time i saw it, i dont no y i just think its well produced and you can defo telll it was produced in america theres just a certain cerfistication about it that shows me that its been done by someone who really knows what they are talking about. the shots wen shes in the corridor in the black dress are really nice shots and it looks like the bit in the well known madonna video. this was done more than 10 years ago and there doing it again with a modern twist to bring it up to date. i aslo like the way they have used the different apartments to show the differnt issues within a relationship. this is very cleverly thought out. this also reminds me of the 'Say My Name' video by Destinys Child the way they show each room with a different colour and the shots got from room to room showing different things.

Lambini dancin advert!!!

well heres the thing i was actually doing some work (reseach some may call it) and i found this then adrian kindly informed me that people actually do this dance in the clubs in europe its like a huge thing like people have like competitions to see who can do it the best!!! i just thought it was just a dance that was chorographed for the advert. imagine trying to be that co-odinated when ur drunk or in my case just at all!!

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Communis Research

After i had decided to used communis for my presentation and got some information from liam i was even more interested in what they do so i found out who there clients were then looked at some of there websites

Thursday, October 18, 2007

The Phone Call

So as part of first SPP2 task i have to produce a presentation on someone that inspires us to choose the pathway that we have so i choose to produce a presentation on the company called communis that deal with accessibility. i knew of this company though a lecture on accessibility we had last year so already kinda knew how to go about getting in to contact with them.

my first port of call was Adrian as i knew had a lot to do with this field so i emailed him asking if who i was to get into contact with and how. he was really help full and replied really fast with exactly the right information i needed. he gave me the guys name and how to get into contact with him and even emailed contacted him first and mentioned me to him. Adrian gave me a choice i could either email Liam through him or call him myself. i thought bout this and thought that it would look more professional if i called them myself as then he would know that i am serious bout this.

so i did and this is wot i got from it
what is your roll within the company
"I'm the managing director"

how did u get to where you are now
"Well i started before there was any such thing as the Internet in spring 1995 and started teaching myself when it was all new and exciting"
"i was unable to use a mouse"
"It was then called Design for all"

what made you want to do what you do
it wasn't just the fact that i couldn't use a mouse it was that i wanted to produce good websites and if you create a good website it will be accessible
he kinda said the same but made it sound different as the last question

where do u think the future is within this area

how would you advise us students and graduates to get into accessibility
hmm i think its skipped a generation as we have all been self taught about the Internet so some students come to us having a first class degree and no experience and it means nothing to us and it would cost too much to train them.

wow i was so inspired to learn that he as some kind of disablity himself so he knows exactly what its like hes not just some person who thinks he knows what hes talking about when it comes to restrictions through disability. also he was self taught means that his knowledge is very thorow.

although he did scare me when he started saying that students think that there degrees thinking there good but there's no way
then he said if u bring me a website that works on 5 different phones and different screen sizes then all give you a chance.

so id better get working then!!!!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007


Communis LTD company that specialise in making websites more accessable for everyone whereever and whatever if that makes any sence? what i mean is wether its acessable for using the internet on a mobile phone or a PDA or accessable for someone who can't use a mouse or a keybord easily or are partionally sited. this comapany is also there to fore see that websites comply with the rules and regualtions within the web.

There services include
Accessibilty Consultancy
Web Accessability Research
accesiblity Training
Design and production of accessable web sites
Articles on the legal and marketing implications of web accessablilty
A List of resorces for disabled users

There clients include
Major corporates
Carphone Warehouse
Hewlett Packard
Royal Mail

Governmental bodies and national charities
Criminal Justice System Online
Environment Agency
Leicestershire County Council
National Patient Safety Agency
NHS Connecting for Health
Nottingham Trent University
Tommy's The Baby Charity.

Our clients also include small and medium sized businesses, schools and local charities.

SPP2 Task 1

Look at a Pathway practitioner and prepare a presentation for next week. An analysis of this person/people should be posted on your journal. Include links to where we can see their work/or discussion of their work.

At first this task scared me to death and i thought there is no way i can get in touch with a professional web designer!!! I mean people like that haven't got time to chat to students like us. so i sat down and thought right why do i want to be a web designer then i thought Money !!!! then i thought like any girl would Shoes and Handbags so then i start thinking bout the fashion mags then i thought no way.

so then i thought what bout the other thing in my life that i feel strongly bout which is accessibility because having a disability myself i feel strongly that people with disabilities have enough to deal with in there lives without having something as trivia as the Internet proving more difficult to deal with than it should be. i also think that it is where the future is when it concerns the web because nowadays more and more people are using mobile Internet on things such as PDAs and mobile phones

right that's it I've finished my rant now so i decided on accessibility so then find out some information then i remembered that we had a guest lecturer that taught us about accessibility so i thought if i could get in touch with him he could give me the information i required for this task.

Welcome Back!!!

Wow here we are made it through to the second year! So welcome back and this year I'm gonna be blog crazy. OK I'm gonna be honest here i hated doing my blog last year and have never really got on with it. i think this is because i put too much pressure on myself to do it right and be all professional and try to show off. therefore i became terrified of it totally and just refused to do it at all. This got me into a little bit of a predicament as it got to the end of last term and i had done about 5 blogs and ended up doing a hard core week of blogging which was probably the most boring week of my life and to make matters worse i had no one to blame but myself!

so this year I've chose a different approach I'm gonna put whatever i want in my blog now what i like, what i don't like, what i want to do and wot I've done that i think is good. even though this is probably wot they've bin wanting me to do all the time i think i just put far too much pressure on myself to do it rite that it was wrong. so this is fresh blog and a fresh start for me and the blog and as jools so rightly said today i have to reflect on my mistakes and learn from them.