Friday, December 21, 2007

Dr Martin

This is another website i really like for a number of reasons. the first being that when you enter the website it is immeditately it eye catching and funky. then the buttons are very different and are animated when they are clicked this makes the interaction with the site a little bit different and more fun. there is also a feature within this site that allows you to c create ur own dr martin boot i think this a very clever idea, i think that this is used to bring an old brand more up to date and this also is fun and gets younger people involved with a brand of shoes that was created many years before there time i think. i have had a go at this myself and it it very addictive i love designin my own pair of dr martin boots.

Sunday, December 02, 2007

Banner report!

Coursework 1
Online Banners

We have been given the task to design and create 2 online banners, one large and one small. They can be static, animated and/or interactive. They can contain audio and film footage if required. One is for a seasonal product and the other, a country. Within this report I am going to discuss my design ideas processes and decisions I made throughout the design process. I will end with a reflection on the final product.
When I was given the task my first port of call was to look at some online banners that were already online. This was a major part of the ideas generation process for me as it allowed me to see lots of things that had already been done.


So when I looked at what was already out there i started on the ideas for my first banner. I was going to start with the seasonal banner first as I thought that it was probably then easiest of the two. I decided on a Christmas theme. I also decided that I would make this banner as the small banner as I may need more space to do a larger banner for the country banner. i also wanted my banner to be very modern and expensive looking, with lots of clean lines and modern simple colours. I got my inspiration for this from things shop windows where they use modern simple colours for there Christmas displays. That’s the type of thing that I wanted to create within this banner like looking into a shop window with the stylish Christmas decorations. I wanted to used very up to date colours that were also very Christmas that’s where the silver and blue theme came from.

So when I went onto the second banner it became more difficult as it was such a vage brief it didn’t say what about a country we had to advertise this made me think about what are countries known for like for example Italy is known for pasta and England is known for fish and chips and rain. I wanted to do my banner based on what the place is known for. Then I started to think about what are things I like and where would I go. This then led to things such as technology, music and fashion. Thinking bout these things lead to 2 ideas one was japan for me interest in up and coming technology and multimedia and the other was Ibiza as I have a keen interest in dance music and that is the number 1 party place for people of my age so it would be easy to advertise that to them.

My concept for the seasonal banner was all about the count down till Christmas and also based on the shop window and shopping. So for this banner I decided I would have a simple blue background with silver Christmas decorations. This is in keeping to my simple modern theme. Then I have a simple square Christmas gift that displays the number of days counting down till Christmas. This idea is done using actionscript to make the banner keep the actual time and date so then it can count down the number of days. The advertising for this banner is simple, I have simple white text on the blue background moving from white to left on the screen. I have done this as this is the natural order that the user would read it. The text says “Not many shopping days left” “buy them something special” at the Victoria Centre” “now open late”. This banner also has jiggle Christmas music also to attract the audience. The music I have chose is also very simple to keep with the expensive and modern I think if the music is too full on it will cheapen the banner and make it cheesy.

My concept for my contry banner was Ibiza the party capital. For this I banner I wanted some interaction with the audience. I wanted it to be based on music and dancing and everything that Ibiza is known for so decided that I would have a banner that has a sunset or a club scene with siloetts of people dancing and as the music starts the sioletts move faster to give the effect of dancing. I wanted the audience to be very involved in this so at the bottom of my banner I have dj decks that would be interactive to click which song they would like then this would determine which option they would receive the sun set scene with slower music or a club scene with fast music. This is in keeping with my theme of showing the user both parts of what Ibiza is known for the beach and the clubs.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Little Bit of Class!

This is another website i love! and no its not just because its a fabulous designer and im outragous shoppaholic! its because its classy and well made and very professional. i love the picture of new york and the colours that are used i think its very sexy and classy!


This is a picture i found on the web when i was looking for images for my banners its graffiti on a wall somewhere in spain i liked it so i thought id put it on here to brighten it up a little bit.

Banner 2 So Far!

This is where im at with my web banners at the moment as you can see above im just makin the two images that will switch depending on where the user clicks. this is coming on well and im please with what ive got so far and i think it ill be very good when it is done even if i do say so myself!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Finished Banner 1

Finally banner 1 the country banner is complete it does eveything i wanted it to it counts down the days until christmas. it says everything i wanted it to and im pleased with the finished product. it counts down the days hrs minutes and seconds behind the scenes but the user can only see the number of days. i chose to do it this way as i didnt want the banner to look too cluttered and busy i wanted to keep the expensive simple theme and i think i have achieved this.

Grrr Flash 3.0

oh my god how difficult is it to go from flash CS2 to CS3! its doing my head in i knew the basics in CS2 enough to do what i needed and now i wish i didnt know any at all. the slight bits i did no in CS2 are now really confusing me with CS3 so i think im just going to start again so im going to get a a book and by the end of christmas i will be CS3 guru!

Monday, November 26, 2007

Friday, November 23, 2007

Just a little something i needed!

this tutorial i used to implient the count down timer for my seasonal banner. it was really useful as it taught me exactly how to do it and made me type the whole code in myself as it is a video so i could just copy and paste the code into the action window, i hated this at the time but it taught me more in the long run. i really like the way that this guy teaches, he didnt go too fast and you can pause it if you get lost. the oonli downside that this has is that it is in actionscript 2 but im sure in time there will be more uptodate tutorials by and him and i would defo use them again.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Another lil Something I Found and Love!!!

Rite so I kind of fell on this when actually researching believe it or not! i was looking for a picture for my idea for my ibiza banner so i thought of hed kandi because that have alot to do with ibiza and dance music and my whole theme for my banner. so i found there website and i just thought it ace i luv the way they've dont the whole theme it is like entering a club i luv the pictures and that u can listern to the samples of all the music. this is what i want to be able to create something as floorless and as funky as this!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Cool Website I Found!

This is a website that i think it really cool the things that you can buy move and trigger eachother to move too. its really interesting the way its done its like ach object does something to trigger another 1 and the animatation goes on and on and on! i think this is a really interesting way of keepin the users attetion on your website and products. its also fun and light and uses bright colours that actract you easily. its also good when your board of blogs of the same old websites to see something a little more fun!

Monday, November 19, 2007

Ibiza Banner Ideas

this is a clearer view of my ideas for my Ibiza banner

Seasonal Banner Ideas

this is a clear view of my ideas for the seasonal banner

Japan Banner Ideas

this is clearer view of my ideas for my Japan Banner

Pacman Game in Progress!!!

This is a screneshot of my game so far its not quiet finished just a few more alterations with the code and it will be done. hopefully you can see that that it has everything in place. hopefully i will have more screen shots of a complete game soon!


This is my pacman game so far as you can see i've added basic images to reperest cakes and coal which the pacman will eat to gain or loose points! so far so good!

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Coursework Idea 2

so i've more of less sorted my ideas for my little banner not for the big 1 that has to be a country and for this i have 2 ideas one of them is ibiza and another is japan/tokyo

This is my idea its based on the fact that technology and multimedia is normally first when it comes to stuff like that . i got the idea for this when waiting for hollyoaks to come on.

so i thought i could use an image like that piece of video for channel 4 with the tall buildings and neon lights. i coud also have some japanise symbols in a colomn on the left that when u rollover them they would change into multimida symbols such as a mouse or camera or light then the banner could say "japan comes first for multimeda and new technology" or something along those lines.

Coursework Idea 3

Ive had a few really good ideas for this first piece of coursework and so far im really enjoying it! this all could change when it comes down to the more difficult bits tho!

so my third idea for the banner coursework is Ibiza as i have to do a country theme. i have chose this theme and country as Ibiza as I have a keen interest in dance music and that is the number 1 party place for people of my age so it would be easy to advertise that to them.

Ibiza the party capital. For this I banner I want some interaction with the audience. I want it to be based on music and dancing and everything that Ibiza is known for so decided that I will have a banner that has a sunset or a club scene with siloetts of people dancing and as the music starts the sioletts move faster to give the effect of dancing. I wanted the audience to be very involved in this so at the bottom of my banner I have dj decks that would be interactive to click which song they would like then this would determine which option they would receive the sun set scene with slower music or a club scene with fast music. This is in keeping with my theme of showing the user both parts of what Ibiza is known for the beach and the clubs.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Coursework Ideas

For my first coursework we have to create a 2 web bannners 1 small and 1 big one seasonal and and one for a counrty.

firstly the first thing im thinkin is im gong to have the small one for my seasonal one and the large 1 for the counrty

so im trying to think outside the box but the seaonal one is scareming christmas at me, so for that one i have:

and now i really have to think outside of the box as for the country. i think this is why they've set it so vage so im goin to try and think outside the boz maybe do something to do with music or food or things within that country

Research for Coursework

these are some of the banners out there alreay that i like and if i could create something half as good ill be happy!

The first 1 i like was this one for nivea men lotion take a look:
You have to pick the different lothion for him and whichever you pick ther is a different outcome . its funny to his reaction to each one! i also like the interaction within this banner!

the next 1 is by addidas its called line runner so its kinda obvisous u have to draw a line then the guy runs along it and it becomes a city or a enviroment for him to run in i think its clever but ive made it sound really boring take a look:

this is a every girly one i think thats probably the only reason i like it! that and theres loads of colour and pretty things.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Flash Banners

For my first piece of course i have to create 2 banners so firstly i thought id look at the different size banners that i could create, then look at some of the good and bad banners out there for inspiration

Banners are all over the web so much so that most of the time we dont even see them because we've got so used to them bein there tha we just don't even see them unless they actuall shout at us like the smiley one that shouts hello hello!!!! but then again thats what there used for there ment to catch your attention i just think theres better ways!!

so there are sooo many differnt size banners that i could create from really little ones to huges ones i could even link 2 together in some way

this link is to a page that tells me the different banner sizes i could create


As part of my lectures and seminars on web ive bin given the task to produce a game in flash CS3 and actionscript 3. it onli has to be a very cimple childrens game to help us get to grips with the new actionscript and flash

so for this i am going to make a game based on the classic pacman game the consept will be that the pacman will move around the screen and if he eats a cake he will get larger and gain a point, if he eats a piece of coal then he will loose points and and get smaller until hes too small he dies then its game over

i think this is a more modern spin on a classic game. i think its clear and simple. i think that the most difficult part of creating this game will be the action script 3 as i havent used it before so we will see!

Web 2.0

Right this is where i confess that im a really really really bad web student as when i was sat in the first web lecture i had absolutely no clue what simon was going on about when he was telling us about web 2.0. so i thought id look into it more and c wot i could find out about it and hopefully i will be able to turn into a good web student who actually knows about the web rather than just makin pretty things nad hoping for the best!

Web 1.0 Web 2.0
DoubleClick --> Google AdSense
Ofoto --> Flickr
Akamai --> BitTorrent --> Napster
Britannica Online --> Wikipedia
personal websites --> blogging
evite --> and EVDB
domain name speculation --> search engine optimization
page views --> cost per click
screen scraping --> web services
publishing --> participation
content management systems --> wikis
directories (taxonomy) --> tagging ("folksonomy")
stickiness --> syndication

so from wot ive found out from what i've researched, the lectures and seminars and what i've found out through chatting to people is that web 2.0 is all about getting more from the web, more interaction, more networks, more commication, more vidoes, more mobile, more useability and accessablity. this could all be becuase we have alot more access to the internet that ever before with highspeed broad band with larger bandwidths that enable us to download and share larger files.

Friday, November 09, 2007


Stage 1. Coursework

Deadline Week 20 (12.12.07)

You are required to produce two online adverts, one large and one small . They
can be static, animated and/or interactive. They can contain audio and film
footage if required. One is for a seasonal product and the other, a country.
They should meet the following criteria:
1) Use a recognised banner size format (or multiples)
2) Not exceeding 3mb (total) file size
3) Use a common online graphical format
(those permitted are .gif, .jpg, .swf and .bmp or flash projector .exe)
Document each process and explain any decisions you have made.
Special consideration should be given to image quality. The banner should
show technical proficiency and where possible, innovative ideas and narrative

What to hand in:
1) Submit your work via email to (ensure the
subject heading reads '[Web Pathway 1]'
2) Finished banner advert in one of the above formats
3) Up to 1000 word write up discussing and explaining your design decisions
(.doc or .pdf format)
Remember that it is your responsibility to ensure that your work is viewable to
staff members. Double check your work on several machines.

Thursday, November 08, 2007


We've had a few leactures now on networks and data tranfer so what i though i'd do is refresh my brain with all the stuff i did on networks when i was at college and we had to set up our own network so in the next few blogs im going bak to my college days and hopefull i will remember it all and hopefully it will show what i know and what i have learned about networks and hopefully it will come in useful somewhere, someday.

Network Typologys

Network Topologies

Bus topologies

•A bus topology type of network that uses a central
Cable that is sometimes called a backbone of the network
All the computers are connected directly to the backbone. This
Type of network sends the data to every computer within the

Data flows around the network using the bus logical
Topology this means that the data travels down a backbone
to the every computer till it sends it to the correct workstation
that the data is being sent to.

Star Topology

•A star topology type of network is where
all the computers within the network are connected
to a central point. This is normally I switch or a hub. Unlike
the bus topology.
Data flow around this around this network using a ring
Logical topology this means that is connected to a hub
Or switch in the middle then that data is sent to the only work space that the data is being sent to

Ring Topology

•A Ring topology type of network is where
all the computers are connected to one another
this creates a ring shape

Data flows around the network using the ring logical
Topology this means that the data travels down a backbone
to the every computer till it sends it to the correct workstation
that the data is being sent to.

Mesh Topology

•A Mesh Topology is a network that has no breaks.
This me ans that it has many interconnections within
the network so therefore each computer will be connected to more than 1 computer

Data flows around the network using the bus logical Topology this means that the data travels down a backbone to the every computer till it sends it to
the correct workstation that the data is being sent to.

Other Networks

Wireless Communication - IEEE 802.11 / WiFi
Another name for this type of network is wireless fidelity. It is used to provide another method of connection to a LAN network router without the need for wires or any other means of physical connection
Another more technical name for this type of network connection is 802.11. 802.11a this was the first wireless connection that was developed which would transmit data at a maximum speed of 11Mbps. Then the next wireless was called 802.11g within this network the data could be sent at speeds of up to 54Mbps. The latest wireless connection is WiFi which is also called 802.11b this allows data to be sent at speeds up to 125Mbps.

Wireless connection is all about connection a computer with a wireless network card to a LAN, a WAN or the internet directly through a wireless connection. To connect, simply connect the wireless network card and you will be able to connect, some connection need a IP for you to connect successfully.

This is mainly used when cables are not an option or cables and wires could get in the way or cause problems. It is used a lot by business men that carry laptops as they are able to connect at the nearest point where they can get a connection.

IrDA – Infrared
IrDA stands for Infrared Data Association. This type of data transmission uses light waves to transfer data. It is mainly used for connecting the computer to other external devises including printers and now most computers and other external devices now come with IrDA ports. This enables you to transfer data from one device to another without any cables. For example, if both your laptop computer and printer have IrDA ports, you can simply put your computer in front of the printer and output a document, without needing to connect the two with a cable.
The only limitation of using infrared to transfer data is that to use are that the two devices must be within a few feet of each other and there must be a clear line of sight between them.

Another type of wireless connection is Bluetooth it is also known as IEEE 802.15.1. This is used within personal area networks (PANs), these are mostly used to transmit data from mobile phones to send things such as images, videos and mp3s. this can be done from one mobile phone to another or from the computer to the mobile phone.

This is also known as a Local Area Network (LAN). This type of network is where there are more than two computers connected in the same building. Although most LAN is connected in the same building, they can be connected to other buildings by using telephone lines and radio waves. When this happens, it is called a WAN (Wide Area Network)

A LAN is made up of personal computers; these are known as nodes in the network. These computers are connected to a server so that whichever computer you are logged onto, you are able to access the data that is on that server. With networks, you are able to share many hardware devices such as printers and internet connections, this saves money.

Access Point
This is sometimes known as a transceiver, it is a station that transmits and receives data. They are able to connect to its users that are on the network and they can also serve as the point of interconnection between the wireless local area network and a fixed wire network. Each access point can provide more than one user within a distinct network area for example, when people move past the range of one access point, they are passed over to the next one.

This is also known as light amplification by the stimulated emission of radiation. This is a device that makes a light that is on constantly, it not like a normal light bulb though. If it is placed in the same place for a certain amount of time, it is a pure beam which can also be focused to be a single wavelength.

Narrow band radio
A narrow band radio is a small bandwidth which can reach speeds of up to 3 kHz. This is out exceptional to one channel and it can provide a transmission wave for an analogue signal. The analogue signal can be presented from a digital signal where the signal is contained within a voice channel.

Spread spectrum radio
This is where a signal is allowed to be passed over from frequencies to electromagnetic signals; this is done by the spread spectrum radio. Examples of this are wireless internet connection, mobile phones and radios; basically it is anything that uses radio waves.

Point to point and extended LANs with wireless bridges
This is a device that is used to connect more than two networks that are placed differently in different buildings. An example of this is the Cisco Aironet 350 which allows connections of transmission speeds of up to 11mbps, however this does seem slow but it is sending data over distances of 25miles. Now the wireless LAN’s make use of technology known as IEEE 802.11. There are two main kinds of wireless connection; these are 802.11g and 802.11b. 802.11b was the first type of wireless connection; this is however a lot slower than 802.11g. 802.11g is faster as it can reach speeds of up to 54mbps and also includes WI-FI protected access (WPA). The most recent type of wireless connection is called 802.11n; this can reach speeds of up to 100mbits. Most LAN networks are used schools hospitals and any type of business with more than two computers.

Wireless local area networks have wireless bridges; these have ports on them which can connect to more than one local area network. The bridges that are used, what they do is they collect packets that are sent over the network. Until the bridge receives the complete packet, it will not send another one if it has to. Bridges are able to transmit data simultaneously.

Increased availability of mobile computing
Mobile computing is getting more used as technology is developing. Some of the latest mobile technology is wireless internet connection and mobile computing. Mobile computing is not too expensive and is at a reasonable price to purchase, e.g. PDA’s.

Network Communication Continued

IRQ stands for Interpret request. It is a device that works within the processor within the computer using input terminals. It is the hardware signal that instigates an interrupt that has an occurred. Within the modern computers today they use plug and play on them where as they used to have to set IRQ on them individually. Also within your computer each device including network interface card, keyboard, and mouse, is assigned an Interrupt Request (IRQ) this is a line that the device uses to alert the microprocessor that data needs to be processed. Each of these devices that are connected to the computer need there own unique IRQ if not the there will be conflicts between the IRQ. IRQ’s are not normally assigned to an NIC but if on the computer you are using an old version of windows, it is best to assign one as this will prevent running into an IRQ conflict.

DMA stands for Direct Access Memory this is a method of transferring data between two different memory locations within the computer. DMA is used to send the data at high speeds and large amounts of data at once. This is normally used for video displays that contain a lot of moving and changing images and these have to be changed at different frequency times.
In order for a NIC to operate efficiently, it needs to be able to carry out its interface tasks with minimum disruption to the CPU of the computer.
Four methods of NIC to computer data transfer are used

Bus mastering DMA (direct memory access):
•Data enters the NIC from the network.
•The NIC's own CPU stores data in the NIC's RAM.
•NIC's CPU sends data to computer's motherboard when the network transmission is complete.
•The computer's CPU is not interrupted - the NIC's CPU has ultimate responsibility for data transfer.

•Data enters the NIC from the network.
•The NIC's CPU interrupts the computer's CPU.
•The computer's CPU stops other tasks and transfers the network data into its RAM.

I/O stands for Input / Output this is used to describe the entire connection path between the CPU Bus and the disk drive. It also is used to describe the "read" and "write" information sent back and forth between the CPU and the disk drive. This means it describes the method in which the information that is read off and writing on the CD is send back and forth between the disk drive and the CPU

There are four techniques used for transfer of data, the NIC may use one or more of these techniques.
•Polling is where the microprocessor checks the status of the peripheral under program control.
•Programmed I/O is where the microprocessor alerts the designated peripheral by applying its address to the system's address bus.
•Interrupt-driven I/O is where the peripheral alerts the microprocessor that its ready to transfer data.
•DMA is where the intelligent peripheral assumes control of the system bus to access memory directly. This removes load from the CPU but requires a separate processor on the card.

RAM stands for random access memory. RAM stored data as electrical signals. if the power from the computer is cut off then all unsaved data will be lost. When saving data it can never be stored permanently onto the RAM so therefore this type of memory is known as volatile memory

There are two basic types of RAM:
-dynamic RAM (DRAM)
-static RAM (SRAM)

Memory address register
This is a number that is given to each byte within the memory within the computer that is used within the CPU to track where data and instructions are stored are stored on the ram. Each byte is given a memory address and whether or not it is being used to store data. The computer’s CPU uses the address bus to communicate which memory address it wants to access, and the memory controller reads the address and then puts the data stored in that memory address back onto the address bus for the CPU to use.

Setting protocols
A protocol is a set of rules and instructions which are used to tell the computer what to do and how to communicate with other hardware in the computer. Therefore when there are one or move computers within a system they will exchange many messages to tell each other what they are doing what they are to do. It is a format for which computers understand and know what to do for when they receive and send data. Therefore when there is more than one computer communicating, they will exchange messages There is more than one type of protocol; the most common ones are HTTP and FTP. HTTP is also known as hyper text transfer protocol, this is a server protocol, and this is used for people who wise to gain access to the internet. FTP is also known as File Transfer Protocol, this is when files are sent over a network. There are three protocols that are known as flow control, error control and data compression.

Data bus
A data bus is a physical connection that is used to carry information between the CPU to the other devices within the computer. This bus also carries data that is being processed or used within the system. There is also another bus called the control bus that sends signals that report all of devices within the system.
For example, one line of the bus is used to indicate whether the CPU is currently reading from or writing to main memory.

This uses a collection of wires connecting the CPU with the main memory that that is used to identify certain addresses in the memory.

All buses consist of two parts - an address bus and a data bus. The data bus transfers actual data whereas the address bus transfers information about where the data should go.

OSI Seven Laver Model

1.Application layer
2.Presentation layer
3.Session layer
4.Transport layer
5.Network layer
6.Data link layer
7.Physical Layer

These days when a computer is bought, it is ready made to be able to use on networks. The whole point of standardisation is to make sure they have more open systems, which means users will be able to select from a wider range of manufacturer’s products. The OSI seven layer models for communication protocol identify a hierarchy of seven layers.

1.Application layer
This is the transfer of information between both of the users, applications programs and devices (e.g. writing a letter or sending an email). The applications layer hides the physical network from the user, File transfer, access and management. A gateway can provide a connection between any networks at this level. Think of user view of system. The application layer contains a variety of protocols that are commonly needed. For example, there are hundreds of incompatible terminal types in the world.

2.Presentation layer
Describes the syntax of data being transferred so that different devices, which may be using data in different formats, can communicate with one another. It may also carry out encryption to ensure data security during transmission over vulnerable telecommunication links, The presentation layer also attempts to deal with conversions between terminals that use different line and screen lengths and different character sets, Think of character format.

3.Session layer
Describes the organisation of data sequences larger than the packages handled by lower layers, When a user requests a particular service from the network, the session layer handles the dialogue including the use of passwords and user-ids, It also manages data exchange (i.e., duplex or half duplex), Think of an Internet dialup session.

4.Transport layer
Describes the quality and nature of the data delivery, The transport layer masks out any peculiarities of the network and any undesirable features that may prevent a high quality transmission for the network, It provides the session layer with a reliable message transfer facility that is independent of the underlying network type. Messages are divided into message blocks with error detection and security procedures. Think for routing.

5.Network link layer
Describes the routing of packages of information around the network over various data links and between any two notes in a network (or between networks), Larger message blocks can be subdivided into packages; A router can connect dissimilar networks at this level. Routing software can also carry out accounting functions to enable the network owner to charge users. This is the layer in which the NIC operates under. Think of network packets.

6.Data link layer
Describes the logical organisation of the data bits transmitted on a particular medium. The data link layer handles error detection, error correction, retransmission and synchronisation (which improve the quality of the network), Data is transmitted in frames, and each frame containing one packet, a bridge can connect two similar networks at this level. Think of data transmission.

7.Physical layer
Describes the physical properties of the various communications media (which includes the mechanical properties, electrical properties and the transmission of binary data within the communication channel). Standards are set regarding the mechanical, electrical and procedural aspects of interface devices, For example, standards are set for the number of pins a network connector should have and the function and position of each pin, at this level data is sent as a serial stream of bits - there is no error correction. Think of wiring

Each of the NIC drivers has a relationship to the OSI layer

Networks Communications

This is a type of data transmission. This type of transmission sends both a digital and analogue signal over one single multiplex channel. This means there is one single line or channel that can transfer both analogue and digital signals. Examples of this would be an Ethernet or LAN (local area network). Baseband transmission uses TMD which is a Time division multiplexing, this means it sends bits of data at different times along the full bandwidth.

This is a type of data transmission. This is a faster type of data transmission that carry several channels at once as the other types including base band struggle to send one signal at once, broadband can transfer many signals at once over a vast network


A modem is a device used to convert a digital signal into an analogue so data can be transferred easily. When data is stored within a computer it is stored in a digital form but when it is transferred down a telephone it has to be changed to an analogue signal to go down telephone line. A Modem is a piece of hardware using to pass information from one pc to another using a telephone line. The modem acts like a telephone and allows two computers talk to each other. A modem can transfer data at 30,000 bits per second

Digital Signalling
A digital signal is when binary numbers are transmitted as a signal this signal only works using 2 numbers 0 and 1. Unlike the analogue signal, digital signal switch on and off. This is also known as a pulse wave. This wave can only be positive and negative

Analogue waves
An analogue signal is like a wave that represents the vibrations of the sound. This means that the information can have an unlimited amount of numbers. The analogue signal is an continuous.

This is how it works
From the computer the signal is sent as a digital pulse wave then it is converted into an analogue wave to travel down the phone line then it is converted back to a digital to go back to the receiving computer.

Amplitude modulation

Amplitude modulation
Amplitude modulation is a type of modulation that is used within the radio transmission to send audio sounds and messages For example, radio uses AM to transmit an audible sound of say 400 Hz by varying the amplitude of a radio signal with frequency 100,000 Hz. This is means of loading information onto a carrier wave by modulating its height.

Frequency modulation
Frequency modulation a method of transmitting information on radio waves by encoding the information as a change in frequency or number of waves per second. This is also used in radio transmission (FM).

The advantages and disadvantages of using baseband transmission

Cheap to setup
Fast data transfer

Can only transmit over a small area

The advantages and disadvantages of using broadband transmission

Can transmit data over a large area
Fast to transfer the data

Can be more expensive

Unicast is a type of communication within a network that is sent by a single sender and is receive by only one single receiver. An simple example of this is a simple email from one person to another

This is another way of communicating over the network. Where as the unicast was sending a message from a single sender to a single receiver, multicast is sending a message to a specific group. So it is sending a message from a single sender to a group of receivers. An example of this is sending an e-mail message to a mailing list Teleconferencing and videoconferencing also use multicasting, but require more robust and technical networks.

This is another type communication over a network. Broadcast simply sends a message to all of the systems within the network. Whereas the other two types of communication sends the message to specific recipients where are this one sends it to all of the systems within the network. Broadcasting is a useful feature in e-mail systems.

Databases And SQL

wow who have thought such a boring thing like a database could be so quick nad easy and managable. wow i sound like a geek but ive only ever used Microsof acess with its boing and very tidious interface and notw im using SQL it is so much simpler and easier to manage.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Game Blog 1

this is a lil bit of code that im goin to use to make my packman game in flash this is a simple movement with the mouse that will enable me to move the object as the mouse moves it sounds gud but its quite simple when u have the rite code

face1. onMouseDown = function (){

face1. onMouseUp = function (){

Monday, October 22, 2007

leona lewis music video

i no i no its leaon lewis music video but i like it and now the song has really grown on me and now i luv it as much as the video. i was attracted to the video from the first time i saw it, i dont no y i just think its well produced and you can defo telll it was produced in america theres just a certain cerfistication about it that shows me that its been done by someone who really knows what they are talking about. the shots wen shes in the corridor in the black dress are really nice shots and it looks like the bit in the well known madonna video. this was done more than 10 years ago and there doing it again with a modern twist to bring it up to date. i aslo like the way they have used the different apartments to show the differnt issues within a relationship. this is very cleverly thought out. this also reminds me of the 'Say My Name' video by Destinys Child the way they show each room with a different colour and the shots got from room to room showing different things.

Lambini dancin advert!!!

well heres the thing i was actually doing some work (reseach some may call it) and i found this then adrian kindly informed me that people actually do this dance in the clubs in europe its like a huge thing like people have like competitions to see who can do it the best!!! i just thought it was just a dance that was chorographed for the advert. imagine trying to be that co-odinated when ur drunk or in my case just at all!!

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Communis Research

After i had decided to used communis for my presentation and got some information from liam i was even more interested in what they do so i found out who there clients were then looked at some of there websites

Thursday, October 18, 2007

The Phone Call

So as part of first SPP2 task i have to produce a presentation on someone that inspires us to choose the pathway that we have so i choose to produce a presentation on the company called communis that deal with accessibility. i knew of this company though a lecture on accessibility we had last year so already kinda knew how to go about getting in to contact with them.

my first port of call was Adrian as i knew had a lot to do with this field so i emailed him asking if who i was to get into contact with and how. he was really help full and replied really fast with exactly the right information i needed. he gave me the guys name and how to get into contact with him and even emailed contacted him first and mentioned me to him. Adrian gave me a choice i could either email Liam through him or call him myself. i thought bout this and thought that it would look more professional if i called them myself as then he would know that i am serious bout this.

so i did and this is wot i got from it
what is your roll within the company
"I'm the managing director"

how did u get to where you are now
"Well i started before there was any such thing as the Internet in spring 1995 and started teaching myself when it was all new and exciting"
"i was unable to use a mouse"
"It was then called Design for all"

what made you want to do what you do
it wasn't just the fact that i couldn't use a mouse it was that i wanted to produce good websites and if you create a good website it will be accessible
he kinda said the same but made it sound different as the last question

where do u think the future is within this area

how would you advise us students and graduates to get into accessibility
hmm i think its skipped a generation as we have all been self taught about the Internet so some students come to us having a first class degree and no experience and it means nothing to us and it would cost too much to train them.

wow i was so inspired to learn that he as some kind of disablity himself so he knows exactly what its like hes not just some person who thinks he knows what hes talking about when it comes to restrictions through disability. also he was self taught means that his knowledge is very thorow.

although he did scare me when he started saying that students think that there degrees thinking there good but there's no way
then he said if u bring me a website that works on 5 different phones and different screen sizes then all give you a chance.

so id better get working then!!!!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007


Communis LTD company that specialise in making websites more accessable for everyone whereever and whatever if that makes any sence? what i mean is wether its acessable for using the internet on a mobile phone or a PDA or accessable for someone who can't use a mouse or a keybord easily or are partionally sited. this comapany is also there to fore see that websites comply with the rules and regualtions within the web.

There services include
Accessibilty Consultancy
Web Accessability Research
accesiblity Training
Design and production of accessable web sites
Articles on the legal and marketing implications of web accessablilty
A List of resorces for disabled users

There clients include
Major corporates
Carphone Warehouse
Hewlett Packard
Royal Mail

Governmental bodies and national charities
Criminal Justice System Online
Environment Agency
Leicestershire County Council
National Patient Safety Agency
NHS Connecting for Health
Nottingham Trent University
Tommy's The Baby Charity.

Our clients also include small and medium sized businesses, schools and local charities.

SPP2 Task 1

Look at a Pathway practitioner and prepare a presentation for next week. An analysis of this person/people should be posted on your journal. Include links to where we can see their work/or discussion of their work.

At first this task scared me to death and i thought there is no way i can get in touch with a professional web designer!!! I mean people like that haven't got time to chat to students like us. so i sat down and thought right why do i want to be a web designer then i thought Money !!!! then i thought like any girl would Shoes and Handbags so then i start thinking bout the fashion mags then i thought no way.

so then i thought what bout the other thing in my life that i feel strongly bout which is accessibility because having a disability myself i feel strongly that people with disabilities have enough to deal with in there lives without having something as trivia as the Internet proving more difficult to deal with than it should be. i also think that it is where the future is when it concerns the web because nowadays more and more people are using mobile Internet on things such as PDAs and mobile phones

right that's it I've finished my rant now so i decided on accessibility so then find out some information then i remembered that we had a guest lecturer that taught us about accessibility so i thought if i could get in touch with him he could give me the information i required for this task.

Welcome Back!!!

Wow here we are made it through to the second year! So welcome back and this year I'm gonna be blog crazy. OK I'm gonna be honest here i hated doing my blog last year and have never really got on with it. i think this is because i put too much pressure on myself to do it right and be all professional and try to show off. therefore i became terrified of it totally and just refused to do it at all. This got me into a little bit of a predicament as it got to the end of last term and i had done about 5 blogs and ended up doing a hard core week of blogging which was probably the most boring week of my life and to make matters worse i had no one to blame but myself!

so this year I've chose a different approach I'm gonna put whatever i want in my blog now what i like, what i don't like, what i want to do and wot I've done that i think is good. even though this is probably wot they've bin wanting me to do all the time i think i just put far too much pressure on myself to do it rite that it was wrong. so this is fresh blog and a fresh start for me and the blog and as jools so rightly said today i have to reflect on my mistakes and learn from them.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Identities-Finished Product

I think the finish product is well researched and well put together however I think I still need to look at the finer details within my project and there could be some slight improvements such as testing and checking everything works how it should and everything is saved in the rite format. The things I like about the package are the flyers sunglasses and web banners.

I think there are good points and bad points at each stage of my project but overall I think it needs a few minor improvements.

I think overall the research section was a very strong well planned part of my project and I think I used the criticism, I receive very well and there for it was very useful and effective within the rest of my project. I also think I used the accessibility when creating my website and other parts of my project and I think it was a major factor for me within this project. So overall I think this was a very good part of the project.

I think the working methods of my project were good as the way I used the poster not only for my research but, also as a basis for the whole project I think that was a very effective. I also think that the planning involved with getting my flyers and posters and post cards printed was also very effective. However I think that my testing and checking of my website could have be been improved greatly.

The finished product in conclusion this part of the project was good if it on my computer but as I didn’t test it on other machines so in the presentation the finish product was not as good as I’d have hoped.

Overall I think the project itself was good and it would have been better if I had tested and checked more accurately.


Platform is a third of the Trent Media organisation. Like the other aspects of Trent media Platform is all about the students. This time I knew of Platform but again I didn’t know it was a part of the Trent Media. I knew it’s existed as I saw it around the halls and the union and the halls and other parts of uni but I had never read t or took much notice of it before. So again I looked into what Platform was involved in and what it actually did. I soon realised again that it was all to do with the students. but they don’t seem to be reading it or getting involved. This could have been the case for a number of reasons, including there advertising structure was not very strong and there wasn’t a lot of info about the magazine out there and within there logos there wasn’t anything to tell people that the three sections within Trent media were connected in anyway for example I knew that want Trent media was but I didn’t no about Trent TV. This is when I found out more about what they did, wrote about and were involved with. I also looked at the material such as there logo and website etc.

After looking at the current material I thought that out of the three logos within Trent media I thought this was the most appropriate logo that were for the product that it was used for so I thought that was good but other than that it was more or less the same as the other 2 in the colours were not very eye catching and they didn’t have much continuity within them all

So after I had looked at all the information I thought about some of the basic ideas that were going around in my head

I cant change the name so it could be something to do with writing and reading
Something to do with platform a stage
Continuity with the Trent media logo
More colour
Something that will attract people of my age
Easy to access to watch online maybe a button on desktop

I also looked at magazines that are out there and local magazines and newspapers

Interactive Narrative

Having scrapped my first few ideas about the interactive narrative i decided to keep it simple and create an interactive narrative about what would happen if you stay in or go out. this mean you would have different outcomes with whatever u click on so for example if u click on the sparkly top then u would go out of if u clicked on magazines or DVDs then u would stay in.

So the first thing i did was to take the photos so i took photos of everything i could think of that you would do if u stayed in and everything if you went out. then i took the images and put them on different pages within deamweaver and linked them together using javascript to make a interactive narrative. the most difficult thing to do within this task was making sure the links linked the correct pages together but other than that it was pretty simple as i had already had a little experience with java script before.

Design Board Presentation

During the ident project i had to create a design board to present my ideas for this project to the tutor and other students

Overall i think it went well and i was pleased but i was given the feedback that i needed to do more research on what people like not just go on wot i liked which was a very fair point and therefore led me to create another questionnaire and do more research so overall it was very successful and useful within my project.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Identities-Working Method

within the identity package that i created i created a number of different advertising things in order to boost awareness these included:

Web banners x2

So I started by designing my poster first then I could get an idea for the whole brand I also used this as part of my sample pieces during the research process. So I used this to base the whole package on as I new that the students liked it. I used this to design my flyers and postcards. Evaluating this method of designing it was very useful to me as I designed something very simple such as a poster and used it then to base the rest of the package around. This also helped me keep the continuity within my package.

So after I had done the simple parts of my package I then went on to do the more complex things within this project such as my website and web banner. I started by doing my web banners first because I had a very good idea of what I wanted to do with them as I had just designed my flyers and postcards so I had lots of ideas based on them. Evaluating this process I think this was the simplest but most effective part of the project because the way I managed the project this part of the project was very effective as I had lots of ideas from the flyers, posters and other parts of my package. I also made my web banners very simple and effective as I think it gives more of a statement when on another website.

So the last thing of my package I had to design was my website this was the most difficult and time consuming part of my package. I again based it on the rest of the package for example the colour scheme etc. I started by creating the index page as a base then worked out from there. Evaluating this method it wasn’t a very good method of designing this part of the project as I kept adding pages as a result of working in this way. I started off only thinking I needed 6 or 7 pages and ended up having 15 pages and therefore a lot more last minute work.

Also going back to my research of accessibility I found that when people are using screen readers they need to have very simple websites and all the buttons and things that you add to your web site and also you need to be very clear of what you label and name some of the objects within your site so they can be read by the screen reader then therefore give people with sight difficulties full understanding of what is on your website. So therefore I made sure when creating my website that every object that I added was clearly labelled and that my website was kept very simple. This was a lot more work at the time but I think it is worth it to make it easier with difficulties and disabilities.
Also due to my research I created a CSS style sheet that I could put into my website that would get rid of the colours that are not accessible for people with sight difficulties and replace them with colours that people with these issues would be able to view easily. For me this was a difficult task but I feel is it worth it to enable everyone to view my website. Again I think that I think more web designers should think of these issues when creating websites for major companies.

I think my project was managed well. I did a lot of research early on in the project which meant that I could make informed decisions about the rest of the project so that very useful and effective within the rest of my project. I also insured that things such as printing and other factors within my project were done early to avoid the rush on the day of the deadline. However the last part of my of my project was the website deign and that was not planned very well as I kept adding pages within my website which then meant I was behind schedule. I think was one of my major let downs within this project. Also another thing that let my project down was the fact that because I was behind schedule I could not test my project as well as I had hoped this was a major factor as this lead to my CSS and some other issues not working correctly in time for the last presentation I am working on them all and testing them thoroughly to ensure everything is done correctly.

I think the finish product is well researched and well put together however I think I still need to look at the finer details within my project and there could be some slight improvements such as testing and checking everything works how it should and everything is saved in the rite format. The things I like about the package are the flyers sunglasses and web banners.

External Work

within this year i have tried to push myself to do some external work as i think it is important to build my CV and learn new skills and maybe even earn some money and at the moment I'm doing things that i really enjoy so therefore it is easy for me to work hard at this and do these things in my spare time.

at the moment i have a few projects on the go all for friends and family. i have decided to do this because i think it is a really good way of learning by actually doing that tasks. I'm going them for my friends and family as it gives me a time limited and i can lean lots of skills like working with a client and time management

also at college i built and created an e-commerce website it was really good and contained a bit of everything from css and java script to flash and action script i was very proud of it

First Year in Conclusion

This year in a nutshell has been quite a successful i feel like I've learnt a lot of new skills and used the course as a learning curve for me. i feel like this year i have not only learnt a lot about the life skills i have a lot learnt about time management as well as they are both huge factors of uni life

within the course i have learnt a number of new skills including
action script
AV science
Brain storming
interactive narrative

some of the skills and things I've learnt i will take through to next year

overall a very good first year


Within the website that i created within the ident package that i created for trent media i decided that i wanted to put some flash animation on it to make it more interesting and eye catching for the audience .

so i had the idea of makin all the images move or twirl in some way then for this i made the decision that i wanted all the image to roate showing them all one after the other so it would start with the trent media man then going on to platform then trent tv then fly.

so after i decided what i wanted to do then i went on to try and find out how to impliment it so emailed adrian to see if he could help me although i already had some idea of how to do it and how i wanted it to look. i just kinda didnt have the memory or the confidence to just go ahead and it myself.

I arranged to meet adrian one afternoon and he started everything including lots of complex ways of doing apart from the way that i had in mind then we tryed the way i kinda remebered which was to make the image smaller and smaller and doint this gave the illousion that they were twirlin around so he showed me how to do it with one of the images then i had to do it with the other 4 the hardest bit of doin this was making one image disappear and a new image appear in its place.

Research-Questionaire and Sample Pieces


During the ident project we looked at accessablity this was a very interesting part of the project for me as i have a disablity myself and have very strong views on equal opppunities for people like me so it was very good for me to learn more about things such as the disability discrimination act. i also have a friend with sight difficulties so i have had previous nowledge of screen readers and so on

so when we were lookin at the websites given as examples for the discinmation it opened my eyes alot as i had never thought of all the details when making a website accessable for everyone to use. simple things like not being able to use a mouse became so so difficult to access certain websites

when looking into this i became aware of how many websites just dont think about making there websites more accessable and this then made me more determind to put this into my website

Research-Sunglasses Theme

From lookin at all of my current research into Trent Media and everything i have come up with the idea of a sunglasses theme thoughout the three aspects of trent media. this will give the continuity thoughout that im looking for and that i think is needed to give trent media the boost it needs in order to get more people involved .

the sunglasses theme means i can keep the trent media orginal logo

so from this i decided to create a differernt pair of sunglasses for each section within trent meid so for this i started to think about how i would make each pair different but the same, (same but differernt ooooooooooo that rings a bell)
For Trent TV i thought
square eyes
square glasses
name trent TV above
star in right corner to keep continuity
For Fly radio i thought
edna everage
sunglasses with wings
glitter and sparkles
name at top of glasses
star in right corner to keep continuity

For Platform
reading glasses
name at the top
star in top right corner to keep continuity

This is the finish product from my ideas

Research-Trent TV

Trent TV Trent TV is a third of the Trent Media organisation. Like the other aspects of Trent media Trent TV is all about the students. A camera man/crew go along to certain Tent events and film what is going on they film the fresher’s week, kinky and other sports and dance events going on at the university. This time I knew of Trent TV but the only thing I new about it was that they came to our dinning room first thing in the morn one day within the fresher’s week and asked to film us. So I knew it’s existed but I didn’t know where it was or anything else about it really. So again I looked into what Trent TV was involved in and what it actually did. This could have been the case for a number of reasons, including there advertising structure was not very strong and there wasn’t a lot of info about the radio station out there and within there logos there wasn’t anything to tell people that the three sections within Trent media were connected in anyway for example I knew that want Trent media was but I didn’t no about the radio station on the Trent TV, I just thought it was all about the magazine. This is when I found out more about what they film and get involved with. I also looked at the material such as there logo and website etc.

After looking at the current material I thought that out of the three logos within Trent media I thought this was the most appropriate logo that were for the product that it was used for so I thought that was good but other than that it was more or less the same as the other 2 in the colours were not very eye catching and they didn’t have much continuity within them all

So after I had looked at all the information I thought about some of the basic ideas that were going around in my head

I cant change the name so it could be something to do with TV
Something to do with square eyes
Continuity with the Trent media logo
More colour
Something that will attract people of my age
Easy to access to watch online maybe a button on desktop

Tv online is becoming more and more popular with the new channel 4 stations online called 4 on Demand

Also through things like where you can stream TV programs off the net and watch them when you like.

Next Year Options

Wow a year has nearly gone and we've given the options for next year! this is really strange as it feels like we havent been here a year and havent done anything to worrent a hole year

So these are the options for next year
Web Design
Games Design

This is a really hard choice as we havent really had much experience with all the differnt areas but they did give us lots of information about each setcion adn what they involved and also gave us lots of information about the future job prospects within each area. which i thought was a very good way in which for us to make a good choice.

So i really looked into this in order to make a valid decision so i looked at all the jobs available and havin looked at all the options i then kinda had an idea in my head of what i wanted to do and then i had a very informative chat to my tutor simon about the choices and told him that i either wanted to do audiovisual or web design. he told be that web design wud be very hard work now and audio wisual wud be hard work in the future at first i didnt have a clue what he was on about. then he told me that webdesign was hard work whilst your learning it but there is alot of work available and career prospects within this option. whereas audiovisual was easier now but it is a very hard industry to get into and there isnt alot of jobs of available. so then that was it i had made my mind up and i was going to do web design. so thanx to that 10min chat from simon i was all sorted it just clicked in my head it was that little bit of an extra push i needed to make my mind up.

Laura Knight-Performance

Within the task i was a clown and this involved me wear a clown outfit and trying to juggle and i really enjoyed it and overall it went really well and it was very well organised. i think we all came together and work well overall. it was better than some of the other group work i had been involved with. the feedback we received was also positive.

Laura Knight-The Group

Our group for this project is
Hannah Berry
Eriko Hamada
Anup Sohol
Nicola Spencer

we got to together on a number occasions to meet and discuss what we indented to create for this project. we got together and did research and went shopping for costumes. for the majority of time we worked really well as team as Hannah berry apposed herself as the team leader and kind of kept everybody in contact with each other and therefore kept us all organised which worked really well.

Within the performace we were each given a part these included
Hannah Berry teacher/narrator
Eriko Hamada Ballerina
Anup Sohol Army man
Nicola Spencer Paint/Narrator
Hannah Leatherday Clown

Laura Knight-Live Art

We had been given a last group project and it was all to do with art and exibihtions so of course Dominic Shaw had something to do with it.

so what he had to do we were given the task to perform a piece of live art about a famous person form nottingham, we were put inot groups of 5ish then were given the nme of a famous person we had to research and then perform a piece of live art. there was alot of issues and enphisis on the "live art performance" as no one really new what we had to do or what a live art performance involves. so we just went for it and just did whatever our interpertation of this.

we were given the name Laura Knight and havin done some research on this we came to the conculsion that she was a famous artist who studied at the university wen it was a art college many years ago. we decided to do a performance and bring each of her paintings and bring them to life.

Laura Knight-Research

English painter and designer. She studied at Nottingham College of Art from 1889. In 1894 the deaths of her mother and grandmother left her dependent on her own earnings, and she taught art from a studio in the Castle Rooms, Nottingham. From 1903 she exhibited regularly at the Royal Academy, London, and in the same year married the painter Harold Knight (1874–1961); they lived in an artists' community in Staithes, north Yorkshire, until 1907, also spending time in another community in Laren, Netherlands. They then moved to Newlyn, Cornwall, attracted by the presence of a number of prominent artists. The couple exhibited together at the Leicester Galleries, London, in 1912. Although Knight painted various subjects, her reputation was founded on paintings of the ballet and the circus, which became predominant after she moved to London. Technically of a high standard, her narrative realist works were painted in bright colours and have limited depth of expression (e.g. Ballet, 1936; Port Sunlight, Lady Lever A.G.). She painted backstage during the Diaghilev ballet's seasons in London and took lessons at Tillers Dancing Academy in St Martin's Lane in order to draw there; she also travelled with the Mills and Carmos Circus. In the 1930s she started painting horses and gypsies at the races, as in Gypsy (1938–9; London, Tate). An accomplished portrait painter, she painted wartime commissions and was the official artist at the Nuremberg War-crime Trials. She also did etchings (e.g. Some Holiday, aquatint 1925; see Fox, p. 60) and executed designs for stained-glass windows

Dame Laura Knight was a leading artist in the first half of the twentieth century. She also became the first woman artist to be elected into the Royal Academy since the first female members Angelica Kauffmann and Mary Moser. During her lifetime, she was praised for her lively scenes of the circus and the baler but she now receives more praise for her landscapes. Knight served as an Official War Artist during World War II and she also traveled to Nuremberg in 1946 to record the War Criminals’ Trial.

Laura Johnson was born in Long Eaton in 1877. She studied art in Nottingham and while there married the portrait painter, Harold Knight (1874-1961). Knight produced a long series of oil paintings of the ballet, the circus and gipsy life. Knight established herself as the most important woman artist in Britain and in 1936 became the first woman to be elected to the Royal Academy since 1760. During the Second World War Knight became an official war artist and was sent to cover the Nuremberg War Crimes Trials. In later life she concentrated on watercolour landscapes. Laura Knight died in 1970.

Same But Diffferent

I think that the same but different project was the worst project of the year. I didn't understand what the whole project was about right from start.

From the first lecture that we had about cataloguing i and understood that we were given the task to get into groups of 3-5 and take photos of the same object but in different environments and surroundings. then having done this then we had to catalogue them in some way

this seemed like a very simple task but as we had more lectures and more information bout cataloguing the more confused i became. then i put myself in a group of me Sage and Sophie and that didn't really work either as they didn't want to really get involved with the task so the motivation and enthusiasm wasn't there from the start really

then 2 more people where added to our group as Sophie failed to turn up to the lectures with the pictures she claimed to have taken.

so the new group and i decided that we would take photos of cigarette buds which is not the best thing to take photos really but it would have had a good story behind it. this was we wanted to find out if there were different cig buds in the different class places around Nottingham. so we started off in the arboretum park and the city centre then went to the lower class areas of Nottingham including st Ann's and Radford.

this would have been a really good idea if people had been willing to put the effort in more and there was a little bit more enthusiasm and motivation as there was lot of good ideas behind this project but it just didn't work.


I think the animation section of this course was one of the best bits that I've don't this year and i have really enjoyed it. I thought when we first started that i was going to struggle with it and that i would get left behind and not be able to catch up. so in a way this made me quite scared but excited to do the animation if I'm really honest.

The first class was really getting to grips with the software used to animate then from this it settled my mind because it was much simpler that i thought. also the way in which is was taught helped too as Andy Love showed us on the projector first wot to do and where everything was within the software so after we had watched him do the task then we where given the instruction on a sheet to work through this was good as we only had a hour within the seminar so this meant we could then keep the sheet and use it too work on it after the seminar or maybe even use the sheet to work on future tasks. the first task was making bouncing words this was simple and allowed us to get to grips with all the tools within the software.

Then we learnt splines and lines from learning about this we could then create something as complex as an octopus with all the 8 tentacles which could be controlled using very few commands and controls which i thought was really good. this made me look into the world of animation and i now now how all the animation movies can be made very simply with the right software.

Then we learnt about Editable poly's and vertex and extrude and bevel parts of objects these skills then meant we could make a figure that was a very simple person which mean we were gaining more skills and more incite into animation and how it all is made and how simple or complex it can be.

Then came the most difficult and complex but interesting part of animation bones and skins from learning theses skills we learnt how to make the body and person move like a person we started with the leg and i was amazed at how easy it was to make something that looked so effective. this also shows me how it is done in the industry as i thought it was done using these light reflecting things that are stuck on peoples body to show there working pattern and how they move certain parts of the body when doing certain things. i now all about this as it is used for me in the hospital to show the doctors the way that i walk. so i asked Andy bout this and he told me that it still used for more complex things but this way it a lot cheaper and probably just as effective. he also told me if i could get hold of my images of my walking pattern them i would be able to make the legs move like my walking pattern but to be honest if i saw would my walking pattern actually looked like id be angry so as much as it would be very interesting its not the best idea!

Identities Evaluation Report

Identity Report

In this report I am going to evaluate each section of the working process the identity project. I am going to evaluate each section thoroughly to see the process of each stage and the strengths and weaknesses within the project. These stages will include research, working method, project management and final product. I will look at each of these stages then evaluate them all within a conclusion.

Within this project we have been given a brief containing three options of brands and companies to design a new corporate identity for them. This would then hopefully improve there advertising strategy then therefore bring more attention from the public in there certain areas. Out of the three options I had been given I chose Trent Media and for their new corporate identity package I would then design and produce various means of advertising including a website, web banner, postcard, flyer, posters, bag and a pair of sunglasses.

After I had chosen which option I was going to work with I then went onto research for this I looked at the current structure of the Trent Media package. When doing this I found that that current package lacked continuity throughout the three aspects within Trent Media. So this was one of the main aspects that I focused on when designing the new package having done the research on the current package, so therefore I think this part of my research was very effective as within the package that I have created. As I have used the main Trent media image and kept a theme of sunglasses throughout to show that the three different media aspects are linked within one organisation that is Trent media.

After the first design board presentation I was asked about my research about why I had chosen the sunglasses theme and I was given advice to look at this more closely and look at not just what I thought looked nice but also what the students thought as well so I came up with a few sample pieces and ideas and asked students what they thought about it and I had a good response so decided to stick with the sunglasses theme. However I think that this part of my research process was very useful to my design process as it gave me a better idea of what the students like and what would be effective and useful within the package. (see fig. 7)

Also within my research I also wanted to find out how the old structure worked before what I could take from it to improve it. So I made a questionnaire and asked students the questions such as What is Trent Media? and Where can u access Trent Media? From this I found that not a lot of student new about Trent Media using its current package. This research process was also very useful when designing my new package.

Also within the research process I looked at accessibility of websites. Within is part of my research I looked at various issues such as colour-blindness and hand eye coordination issues as well as other issues people who access the internet may have. During this research process I found that there are many websites that cannot be accessed easily by people with disabilities and other sight difficulties. This research was very effective as it made me aware about such issues as the number of buttons and flash animation and about the colour schemes and size of text I chose when creating my website then this lead to me making my CSS style sheet for my website that would make my website more accessible for people with disabilities and other sight difficulties

Working Method
Within this new package I created I designed and made a website, web banner, poster, postcard, flyer, sunglasses and bag

From my research I found that there were parts of the current package that I could keep such as the bag as it had the Trent media logo that I wanted to keep. I decided to keep the Trent Media logo as it tided in with my sunglasses theme and it is the main logo used so I thought that if I worked with what the students already new therefore it’s still partly known by the students and therefore I could then focus on the other issues I found within my research.

So I started by designing my poster first then I could get an idea for the whole brand I also used this as part of my sample pieces during the research process. So I used this to base the whole package on as I new that the students liked it. I used this to design my flyers and postcards. Evaluating this method of designing it was very useful to me as I designed something very simple such as a poster and used it then to base the rest of the package around. This also helped me keep the continuity within my package.

So after I had done the simple parts of my package I then went on to do the more complex things within this project such as my website and web banner. I started by doing my web banners first because I had a very good idea of what I wanted to do with them as I had just designed my flyers and postcards so I had lots of ideas based on them. Evaluating this process I think this was the simplest but most effective part of the project because the way I managed the project this part of the project was very effective as I had lots of ideas from the flyers, posters and other parts of my package. I also made my web banners very simple and effective as I think it gives more of a statement when on another website.

So the last thing of my package I had to design was my website this was the most difficult and time consuming part of my package. I again based it on the rest of the package for example the colour scheme etc. I started by creating the index page as a base then worked out from there. Evaluating this method it wasn’t a very good method of designing this part of the project as I kept adding pages as a result of working in this way. I started off only thinking I needed 6 or 7 pages and ended up having 15 pages and therefore a lot more last minute work.

Also going back to my research of accessibility I found that when people are using screen readers they need to have very simple websites and all the buttons and things that you add to your web site and also you need to be very clear of what you label and name some of the objects within your site so they can be read by the screen reader then therefore give people with sight difficulties full understanding of what is on your website. So therefore I made sure when creating my website that every object that I added was clearly labelled and that my website was kept very simple. This was a lot more work at the time but I think it is worth it to make it easier with difficulties and disabilities.
Also due to my research I created a CSS style sheet that I could put into my website that would get rid of the colours that are not accessible for people with sight difficulties and replace them with colours that people with these issues would be able to view easily. For me this was a difficult task but I feel is it worth it to enable everyone to view my website. Again I think that I think more web designers should think of these issues when creating websites for major companies.

Project Management
I think my project was managed well. I did a lot of research early on in the project which meant that I could make informed decisions about the rest of the project so that very useful and effective within the rest of my project. I also insured that things such as printing and other factors within my project were done early to avoid the rush on the day of the deadline. However the last part of my of my project was the website deign and that was not planned very well as I kept adding pages within my website which then meant I was behind schedule. I think was one of my major let downs within this project. Also another thing that let my project down was the fact that because I was behind schedule I could not test my project as well as I had hoped this was a major factor as this lead to my CSS and some other issues not working correctly in time for the last presentation I am working on them all and testing them thoroughly to ensure everything is done correctly.

Finished Product
I think the finish product is well researched and well put together however I think I still need to look at the finer details within my project and there could be some slight improvements such as testing and checking everything works how it should and everything is saved in the rite format. The things I like about the package are the flyers sunglasses and web banners.

I think there are good points and bad points at each stage of my project but overall I think it needs a few minor improvements.

I think overall the research section was a very strong well planned part of my project and I think I used the criticism, I receive very well and there for it was very useful and effective within the rest of my project. I also think I used the accessibility when creating my website and other parts of my project and I think it was a major factor for me within this project. So overall I think this was a very good part of the project.

I think the working methods of my project were good as the way I used the poster not only for my research but, also as a basis for the whole project I think that was a very effective. I also think that the planning involved with getting my flyers and posters and post cards printed was also very effective. However I think that my testing and checking of my website could have be been improved greatly.

The finished product in conclusion this part of the project was good if it on my computer but as I didn’t test it on other machines so in the presentation the finish product was not as good as I’d have hoped.

Overall I think the project itself was good and it would have been better if I had tested and checked more accurately.