Monday, December 04, 2006

Group 13 The Film

After not working too well as a team during the presentation I was really determined to ensure that our group work more as a team and met all of the deadlines within each stage of the production of this film. That didn’t happen either, with one thing or another we got delayed and ended up filming the whole thing over a few days we all pulled together and worked as team and got on with it really well. I was expecting it to be a really big tedious job but it wasn’t it was a lot more fun than I thought and we really worked well as a team. Then next job was the hardest it I was the editing. This was good as we had a number of the same shot at different angles so we had a lot to choose from and play around with. This made it a lot easier. Then just when we thought everything was going too well the Group 13 bad luck kicked in again and boy did it hit us hard. On the Wednesday evening before it was due to be handed in on the Thursday we all went to Les’s house to do the final edit to our film. As we did our last final touches to our film we noticed that our sound and moving film were out of sync and the more that we played the film the more out of sync it became until it was about 2 or 3 frames out of sync and it looked a mess. We tried everything but it was just getting worse and worse and the later it got and the more hours went by where we didn’t get anywhere we were loosing all patients and hope of having anything to hand in. we were running out of time, ideas and energy. So at bout 4am as a last ditch attempt we tried importing the film on to les’s old computer that didn’t have premier on it but it had imovie which did the same kind of thing but it took longer to do the same things and it wasn’t as gud but at this time we didn’t care as long as we delivered something. Luckily this solved our problem and the sound was perfect and the boys got a sudden surge of energy and we managed to not only deliver but to deliver something to be well proud of.
Les and David were so good, Les hadn’t slept for 24 hrs but was still going strong into the night with the help of David keeping us all going with his good ideas and determination to deliver. So we finally got it done at around 9am the Thursday morning and after the biggest, most fabulous breakfast made by Les we went to Uni and all handed our work in then went home and slept.
This is the thing with Group 13 we always manage to pull together when it counts!!!!!!!

Group 13 The Presentation

The first task we were given we had to make a brief and put it into a presentation to show the client. At the start or producing this we didn’t work very well as a team and although I thought our ideas and brief was very good and our ideas were very strong. I couldn’t even see us getting past the presentation never mind the actually film, but come delivery day we pulled it together and produced a brief that impressed Deb and Jools. We got lots of lots of positive feedback including that it was good that it was lots of personal experiences and that it was good that it was a film rather than using stills or animation, this meant that it would be a lot of work for us. We also received some negative feedback which included that getting 3 stories into 2 minutes is going to be very difficult and they weren’t sure bout the title of our narrative which was What does discrimination mean to you? Which we all really liked and thought it was effective to the style of our narrative. But all in all although it started really bad we all pulled together in the end and I think we all learned a lot.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Interactive Narrative-First Idea

I have been given the task to create an interactive narrative about a place in Nottingham that means something to me so of course the first thing without came into my mind was Hucknall as I was born there and most of my relevitives live there so it was the obvisious place for me.

The first idea I had was to go from past to present around Hucknall visiting all of the places that I remember and looking at now things have changed in the last 14 years since I last lived there.

This idea was good but it would be very difficult for me to create for a number of reasons
  • I would have to go to the local newspaper which would be difficult
  • A number of things have changed in Hucknall that i would not be able ot cover
  • it would be difficult to cover such a large area

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Art Walk 2006

The Art Walk took place on tuesday 7th November 2006 it was a project that was put together by Creative Room and was a number of exibitons based on the different types of Art. These arts included things such dance, film, performance, sonic art and creative writing.

i was given the chance to be involved in this event by Dominic Shaw within his event my task was to walk around and take photos of poeple with tattoos and peircings and bluetooth them bak to the computer, whilest we were dressed up as arcilogists sorry cant spell that word u no those people that dig things up so it was kinda doin out and new it was a gud day but it was very very cold and it was something i was really glad to get involved it and got to no the other people that were involved alot better and i got to see lots of thre different parts of the exibitiontion too it was a gud day

Monday, November 06, 2006

Group 13

Given we were group 13 I thought our bad luck had already started when we started off a group of three, two group members down. But in the end it all worked out really good and now I‘m a very proud member of group 13. We ROCK!!!

Well we started off as a group of three as we could not find 2 members of our group so therefore I, Les and Rimante put together our ideas for our short narrative. Then lucky we found one of our missing group members David. So we filled David in on the ideas we had and began to write a brief for our short film. We had decided that we were going to make a short 2 min braided narrative on Discrimination. We decided to do this as we have 3 people in the group that look at discrimination differently. Within our group we have Rimante who is from a different country so therefore she has a foreign accent. We have Les who is a black male and we have me who has a disability so be decided to look at personal issues and points of view.

Monday, October 30, 2006

These Are A Few Of My Favourite Things

We've been given the task to write a blog about a favorite possession

so I thought about it and then I thought I will write about my walking sticks as these are by far my favorite possessions.
I've had sticks of some form from the age of about 9, until this age I had a walker but then as I grew and began to walk in my own fashion I went on to use sticks therefore sticks have always been a part of my everyday life whether for a while now I liked it or not. I've never liked using my sticks no matter how many times my mum told me I had to use them or my mates saying how cool they were. I didn't agree and used to try anything to get out of using them, I used to leave them everywhere and anywhere, I used to leave them with friends and teachers at college or leave them outside of my house for months on end and everyday hoping someone would pinch them in the middle of the night but sure enough everyday they we're waiting for me. I think the reason why I never wanted to use then is that they made me different from everyone else which to me was the worst thing in the world.
This is strange but since I've moved to uni I have used them more and more in fact there's not many times I'm without them. I think now I'm living on my own I'm beginning to see that they're there for a reason and I'm seeing how practical they are. I mean if I'm out on my own then they're there to keep my balance
Plus there not just any old old people walking sticks there spangley sparkley silver walking sticks so at the moment they're more of a fashoin accessory because siver and grey are in this winter you know!!!!!!!

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Video Clips

I have been given that task to research 2 short video clips so I trailed through the web to see what I could find
the first one I found was a little short but so cute so I had to put it in
I picked this one as it is what I feel like at the moment with us having partied hard during freshers week

I love this one too its a little boy who is playing the drums
this boy is fantastic at playing the drums if it is actually him all the way though this video clip I was watching it really closely to see if it was actually him or it was superimposed but its good anyway just a Little fussy at times

this clip is what I want to be able to create when I've finished this course
i think this is just a fab little clip it reminds me of part of a Disney film and I would love to be able to create something like this myself it is simple, quick and entertaining just a bit of fun really

i think i did well with this task manageing to escape all of the porn lol

Story So far

Wow its all happening so fast my first year is now well underway and so far so gud.
My name is Hannah and i'm orginally a northener and i've just moved to Nottingham Trent University. Its a huge challenge for me living away from home as i have a disability but so far im luvin every second and doing loads of stuff that i never thought i wud be able to, for example yeasterday i got on the train on my own all the way from Nottingham to home so little things like that make me proud of myself, but anyway back to the purpose of this, im studying mulmedia so as part of the course i have to fill in a blog discussing all of my ideas and thoughts about what i am studying.

so thats it reallys thats the story so far all i have to do now is keep fillin in my ideas so at the end of it i can pick out all of the gud ones and make them into projects and hopefully get a decent grade out from them